Peazy Renamer

Quickly clean up filenames. The app can be downloaded here.

If you have any suggestions or issues in with Peazy Renamer, please reach out, I’d love to hear from you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What feature or improvements are planned for the future?

  • The ability to prefix or append some text

  • Move apostrophe purge to it’s own checkbox

  • Rules are applied to the file list in real time, which is great to see your changes right away but the downside is if you drag in hundreds of files and start manipulating rules there’s some performance issues. This doesn’t affect me much because I only deal with, like, 20-30 files at a time but if this item gets enough traction from users I can add some thread queuing to the app to handle larger file numbers

  • If I restrict the app to only dragging and dropping folders and apply the permission managing code, I can release this on the Mac App Store but I’m not sure if this is worth dropping the file selection drop feature for

The above is just what’s on my plate but I don’t have any set timeline for getting these done. If anything above is important to you, please drop me a quick message and let me know so I can prioritize it.

How do I use Peazy Renamer?

It should be pretty straight forward:

  1. Set case (upper or lower)

  2. Clean up any non-alphanumeric characters

  3. Add string replacements for remaining touch ups

When does Peazy Renamer save my rules?

Rules are saved whenever they are changed. If you exit the app and open it later the rules should be exactly as you last had them.

What does Replace Non-Alphanumeric actually do?

This cleans up non-alpha numeric characters in sequence, so if a file name is My$%@#%#&&#File.txt and you set non-alphanumeric replace to something like a “-” then it the file name will be My-File.txt.

There’s 2 other minor cleanups this rule does:

  • Even though apostrophes are non-alphanumeric chars, they will just be removed completely, not replaced. So the file name My Last Doctor’s Appointment.pdf with the same "-” replacement above will appear as My-Last-Doctors-Appointment.pdf.

  • If we end up replacing alphanumerics, for example, with “-” and these fall at the beginning or end of the file name then these will be “trimmed” off. So the file name @^%#Hello$@%#.txt will normally replace to -Hello-.txt but with the trimming it will resolve to Hello.txt.

Can I replace a file name one by one?

Yes! Just tap on the circle icon before the file name and it will apply the current rules to the file.

Just be aware that once the file is renamed it won’t be renamed again (through tapping the button more or batch renaming) unless you remove it and re-add it, so be sure that your renaming rules are finalized.